We want patients to feel knowledgeable and confident about their upcoming surgery. Study the information below to help you plan for your procedure. If you have questions, contact your surgery coordinator at (210) 617-4140.
Urological Surgeries
Some of the surgeries and procedures Urology San Antonio performs:
Kidney Transplant Support
Lithotripsy (ESWL)
Penile Implants
Robotic Radical Prostatectomy
TURP (Transurethral Resection of the Prostate)
Vasectomy Reversal
Surgery Scheduling
Preparing for Surgery
The Night Before and the Day of Surgery
After Surgery
Review the appropriate post-surgery instruction packet. The packet will explain what you can expect during your recovery and when you can resume your medications, diet and daily routines.
Bladder Suspension or Transobturator Tape (TOT) | Suspensión de la Vejiga
Catheter Care
Circumcision | Circuncisión
Hydrodistention of Bladder
Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy | Nefrolitotomía Percutánea
Prostate Biopsy | Biopsia de Próstata
Robotic Prostatectomy | Prostatectomía Robótica
Robotic or Laparoscopic Kidney Surgery | Cirugía Robótica o Laparoscópica de Riñón
Scrotal or Testicular Surgery | Cirugía De Escroto / Testículo
Stone (Kidney and Bladder) Surgery and Stents | Tratamiento Para Los Cálculos / Colocación De Un Stent
Transurethral Bladder Surgery | Cirugía Transuretral De Vejiga
Transurethral Prostate Resection (TURP) Surgery | Resección Transuretral De La Próstata (TURP)